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epicentre Brefeldin A lucigen B905MG
epicentre Brefeldin A lucigen B905MG图片
型号: B905MG
品牌: epicentre
包装: 原装进口
交货期: 两周
产地: us
产品别名:Brefeldin A
lucigen epicentre B905MG

产品名称:Brefeldin A


规格:5 mg


品牌:lucigen / epicentre




epicentre Brefeldin A lucigen B905MG 产品描述


Note: This product will be discontinued when current inventories are sold out.

布雷菲德菌素A(BFA)是一种不育的短小Eupenicillium brefeldianum的代谢产物,在许多细胞类型和物种中,可逆地特异性阻止蛋白质从内质网(ER)转运至高尔基体。1 - 3这些效果通常伴随着明显的形态学变化,包括高尔基堆叠的表观崩溃。细胞膜的快速和可逆的重新分布伴随着对细胞蛋白质运输的各种特异性和可逆的影响。这些包括阻止以下过程:蛋白质从ER转运到高尔基体;蛋白质分泌 囊泡组装;抗原呈递;反式和胞吞作用;以及病毒的组装和萌芽。

Brefeldin A (BFA), a metabolite of the fungus Eupenicillium brefeldianum, specifically and reversibly blocks protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi apparatus in many cell types and species.1-3 These effects are generally accompanied by distinct morphological changes, including the apparent collapse of the Golgi stacks. The fast and reversible redistribution of intracellular membranes is accompanied by various specific and reversible effects on cellular protein traffic. These include blockage of the following processes: protein transport from the ER to the Golgi; protein secretion; vesicular assembly; antigen presentation; trans- and endocytosis; and viral assembly and budding.

BFA的确切作用因细胞类型而异。研究表明,GTP结合蛋白以及特定的整体和外周高尔基膜蛋白对BFA的影响。45 BFA还具有抗病毒,抗菌和抗真菌活性。6 BFA具有相对较低的毒性;小鼠(腹膜内注射)的LD 50大于200 mg / kg。7由于BFA对蛋白质的运输和加工具有众多且可逆的作用,因此BFA已成为细胞生物学家的重要工具。

The precise effects of BFA vary among cell types. Studies have implicated GTP-binding proteins and specific integral and peripheral Golgi membrane proteins in the effects of BFA.4,5 BFA also has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities.6 BFA has relatively low toxicity; the LD50 in mice (intraperitoneal injection) is greater than 200 mg/kg.7 Because of its numerous and reversible effects on protein transport and processing, BFA has become an important tool for cell biologists.


  • 研究蛋白质转运和靶向的机制。

  • 诱导通常驻留在高尔基体中的蛋白质“逆行转运”到ER中。

  • 在许多细胞类型中阻止蛋白质分泌。

  • 通过主要的组织相容性复杂的I类和II类分子阻止抗原呈递。

  • 可逆地阻止病毒颗粒的组装和释放。

  • 在各种细胞类型中阻止蓖麻毒蛋白,摩德霉素,阿布林和假单胞菌毒素的毒性作用。

  • 映射细胞表面受体和其他糖蛋白的翻译后修饰。

  • Studying mechanisms of protein transport and targeting.

  • Inducing "retrograde transport" of proteins normally resident in the Golgi into the ER.

  • Blocking protein secretion in many cell types.

  • Blocking antigen presentation by major histocompatibility complex class I and class II molecules.

  • Reversibly arresting assembly and release of viral particles.

  • Blocking the toxic effects of ricin, modeccin, abrin, and Pseudomonas toxin in various cell types.

  • Mapping post-translational modifications of cell-surface receptors and other glycoproteins.


  • 效果是可逆的。

  • 可以观察到形态变化。

  • Effects are reversable.

  • Morphological changes can be observed.

规格:以白色结晶固体形式提供布雷菲德菌素A(C 16 H 24 O 4;分子量280.37;在230 nm处的消光系数= 5,500;熔点= 204-205°C)(在4°C或更低温度下储存的固体)。BFA通常溶于乙醇,甲醇或DMSO;BFA溶液应储存在–20°C下。

Specifications: Brefeldin A (C16H24O4; MW 280.37; extinction coefficient at 230 nm = 5,500; melting point = 204-205°C) is provided as a white crystalline solid (store solid at or below 4°C). BFA is often dissolved in ethanol, methanol, or DMSO; BFA solutions should be stored at –20°C.

质量控制:通过HPLC测定,布雷菲德菌素A的纯度大于99%。乙醇中的10 mg / ml溶液澄清无色。

Quality Control: Brefeldin A is greater than 99% pure as determined by HPLC. A 10 mg/ml solution in ethanol is clear and colorless.

图1.用布雷菲德菌素A处理原代小鼠垂体细胞。 与未处理的细胞(-BFA)相比,BFA处理导致高尔基体膜重新分布到内质网(+ BFA)。(电子显微照片由芝加哥伊利诺伊大学迈克尔里斯医院JA Magner提供。)


  1. 克劳斯纳,RD 等。(1992)J.Cell Biol。 116,1071。

  2. 佩勒姆,HRB(1991)细胞67,449。

  3. 罗斯曼,JE和奥奇,L.(1992)自然 355,409。

  4. 唐纳森,JG 等。(1992)美国国家科学院院刊。Natl。学院 科学 美国 89,6408。

  5. PA Randazzo 等。(1993)生物化学杂志。化学 268,9555。

  6. Tamura,G。等。(1968)抗生素杂志 21,160。

  7. Härri,E。等。(1963)头盔。詹。 1265年46号法令


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